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Hi! I'm Amy. I'm a S.A.H.M. of 2 boys, 3 dogs, and a multitude of froglets in my tiny garden pond. We are a homeschooling family (the boys - there's not much hope for those dogs and the frogs do quite well for themselves). I'll getting around to finding a purpose for my blog eventually. Right now it's just a random collection of thoughts and rants about parenting, mostly.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today just hasn't been a great day. Yesterday was good. I even got a "best day ever" comment out of Colin. I guess it's true, you really CAN buy your children's love. Or at least, their temporary approval. We went to Monkey Joe's yesterday for 2 and a half hours with the intention of dropping off my husband's bike payment. Turned out the place closed before we intended to leave MJ's so that didn't happen. Spent money on treats and balloons while we were there. Went to Chick-Fil-A for supper after - they have free wi-fi (as does Monkey Joe's) so while the kids were playing I took advantage of the wi-fi to download some podcasts - namely, Coffee Break Spanish. We listened to the first podcast on the way home. It was entertaining, and I think it will make a nice Spanish refresher course for me, plus perhaps impart some knowledge to the boys, too.

Today...different story. I allow Colin to do some of his work on the computer and have set up our own homeschool website to allow him to do so, where he can submit written work and read online lessons. This morning, instead of doing what he was supposed to be doing, he was playing the Sims. So I'm angry. And he has given me attitude the rest of the day.

Been looking into educating myself, since it seems I'll probably never return to actual college. The Spanish refresher is a start. I may also read through the Harvard Classics, or the Great Books of Western Civilization. Or maybe both. For too long I've allowed my brain to rot.

Grump, grump, grump.

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