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Hi! I'm Amy. I'm a S.A.H.M. of 2 boys, 3 dogs, and a multitude of froglets in my tiny garden pond. We are a homeschooling family (the boys - there's not much hope for those dogs and the frogs do quite well for themselves). I'll getting around to finding a purpose for my blog eventually. Right now it's just a random collection of thoughts and rants about parenting, mostly.

Friday, August 24, 2018

I can find peace in my life if...

I'm not sure how to answer that. Sometimes I think that peace in my life would result from sending everyone away for just a couple of days! No more "Mom, what's for supper?" (seriously, why do they need to know that in advance? am I the only person who is aggravated by that question every single day???) I'd probably have to send the dogs away too because there would be no one left in the house to let them out besides me and they do the potty-pace on an hourly basis if they are indoors.

Other times I think just a little organization would bring peace to my life. And I have this thought much more often than I do the other thought, fortunately. I've tried some organizational systems (Flylady, anyone?) and I do well with them for a few days, weeks if I'm lucky or on a roll, (just like meal-planning or dieting or studying-to-better-myself), but then inevitably something happens that throw a monkey-wrench in the machinery - I get sick, or some catastrophe befalls someone (probably not a catastrophe but something that seems like one at the time) or Aunt Flo comes for a visit and generally leaves me feeling grumpy and out of sorts and sends me hiding in the bedroom with the shades pulled down and the covers over my head.

Guess what the youngest child just asked?? Have we decided on dinner? Really, I don't get it. Mabe I"m just too old to remember whether or not I asked that question on a daily basis. My Dad still asks my mom every day "what's for chow" and sometimes I wonder that she hasn't strangled him yet.

Today's five minutes of free-writing babble was brought to you by Writelight. Time's up!

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