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Hi! I'm Amy. I'm a S.A.H.M. of 2 boys, 3 dogs, and a multitude of froglets in my tiny garden pond. We are a homeschooling family (the boys - there's not much hope for those dogs and the frogs do quite well for themselves). I'll getting around to finding a purpose for my blog eventually. Right now it's just a random collection of thoughts and rants about parenting, mostly.

Friday, January 19, 2007

the simplest things...

...can often work wonders.

Colin was looking for something to drink a little while ago. His drink of choice is soda...any type. We don't happen to have any in the house, so he started complaining. I told him to drink some water and got the standard, "Well I'm just not thirsty," and accompanying pout.

So I poured him a glass, then poured myself a larger glass and challenged him to a race.

Needless to say...he won.


1 comment:

googlecat39 said...

Mothers have to use all their wiles to outwit kids today. Race with drinking water. GOOD ONE!