...can often work wonders.
Colin was looking for something to drink a little while ago. His drink of choice is soda...any type. We don't happen to have any in the house, so he started complaining. I told him to drink some water and got the standard, "Well I'm just not thirsty," and accompanying pout.
So I poured him a glass, then poured myself a larger glass and challenged him to a race.
Needless to say...he won.
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About Me

- Amy
- Hi! I'm Amy. I'm a S.A.H.M. of 2 boys, 3 dogs, and a multitude of froglets in my tiny garden pond. We are a homeschooling family (the boys - there's not much hope for those dogs and the frogs do quite well for themselves). I'll getting around to finding a purpose for my blog eventually. Right now it's just a random collection of thoughts and rants about parenting, mostly.
Friday, January 19, 2007
New EPA Testing Reduces Gas Mileage Estimates - Yahoo! Autos
Found another incentive for losing weight:
New EPA Testing Reduces Gas Mileage Estimates - Yahoo! Autos: "Efficiency"
Scroll to the bottom of the article and you'll find this paragraph:
So, skinny people get better gas mileage.
Rhyon is still running a fever, Colin still sounds cruddy, Jay got home at 6am this morning, and I'd really like to go back to bed myself. Since I just put Rhyon back down, maybe I will.
New EPA Testing Reduces Gas Mileage Estimates - Yahoo! Autos: "Efficiency"
Scroll to the bottom of the article and you'll find this paragraph:
Remove The Excess Weight:
All that unwanted weight in your car causes your fuel economy to plummet. The EPA says an extra 100 pounds in your vehicle could reduce your miles per gallon by up to 2 percent. It may not seem like a lot, but it adds up over the long haul.
So, skinny people get better gas mileage.
Rhyon is still running a fever, Colin still sounds cruddy, Jay got home at 6am this morning, and I'd really like to go back to bed myself. Since I just put Rhyon back down, maybe I will.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sheriff looks into water-drinking death - Yahoo! News
Not having a subscription to the morning paper, I usually read bits of news on Yahoo and ran across this one.
Sheriff looks into water-drinking death - Yahoo! News
I'm not sure who, in this case, had less sense...the idiot DJ's who obviously didn't give a damn, or the people who participated in this stunt.
In other news, Colin and Rhyon both seem to have the flu. Rhyon developed a fever and cough last night (well, about 4am, actually), Colin a couple of days ago. I remember being miserable with the flu as a kid, but neither of them seems to be too bothered by it.
My to do list for the day:
probably some dishes
more laundry
clean up the bathrooms
still more laundry (I've fallen behind)
find something for my headache
file coupons
I'm sure there's more, and I probably won't get half of it done.
Sheriff looks into water-drinking death - Yahoo! News
I'm not sure who, in this case, had less sense...the idiot DJ's who obviously didn't give a damn, or the people who participated in this stunt.
In other news, Colin and Rhyon both seem to have the flu. Rhyon developed a fever and cough last night (well, about 4am, actually), Colin a couple of days ago. I remember being miserable with the flu as a kid, but neither of them seems to be too bothered by it.
My to do list for the day:
probably some dishes
more laundry
clean up the bathrooms
still more laundry (I've fallen behind)
find something for my headache
file coupons
I'm sure there's more, and I probably won't get half of it done.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Rhyon's Birthday
Currently we are planning on having Rhyon's first birthday party here at the house (big surprise, eh?). His birthday falls on a Friday this year, so we will plan on celebrating Saturday. His birthday present from us is the Baby Grand Piano from Fisher Price (I found a great deal on one that I couldn't pass up, on clearance at Sears). He received so much at Christmas that I can't really think of anything in particular he needs, but I'll shop around and maybe add stuff to a list on Kaboodle. Cartridges for the V-smile Baby system would be good, we have the basic one that came with the system and a Winnie the Pooh one. Some more of the Fisher Price roll-around balls might be good (he loves pushing them around and chasing after them). Board books...he'll soon need warm weather clothing in size 18 months at least (we're set for the rest of winter). We've got some warm weather stuff, but some of it is probably getting too small now.
Jay and I haven't decided what time this will be, but as usual it will most likely be an all day thing to accommodate everybody. :)
Jay and I haven't decided what time this will be, but as usual it will most likely be an all day thing to accommodate everybody. :)
Got this in an email from Mypoints, and it's kinda cool. When you're
shopping online, you can add links to this page and make a kind of
universal wishlist for birthdays, Christmas...whatever.
My Kaboodle Wishlist
Let me know if this works properly, and if you sign up, let me know what your Wishlist address is!
shopping online, you can add links to this page and make a kind of
universal wishlist for birthdays, Christmas...whatever.
My Kaboodle Wishlist
Let me know if this works properly, and if you sign up, let me know what your Wishlist address is!
email posting is cool
Just had to try this out. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along. Move along.
the obligatory first post...
New Blog!
I'm not sure this is the best solution, but I've wanted to separate my personal blogging from my established blog on Livejournal, mostly to give friends and family a way to keep up with us without having to slog through my Harry Potter obsession, and to enable the people that read my LJ to keep up with my Harry Potter fanfiction (not that there's been much of it lately) without having to listen to me coo over Rhyon's or Colin's latest achievements (speaking of which, Rhyon is *thisclose* to taking those first solo steps, and he recently learned how to wave at people, which he thinks is a hoot).
So, here it is in all it's glory, the Hester Family blog. As soon as I get familiar with it, I'll add Jay as a user so he can blog from afar, and I may even let Colin do some blogging of his own. I think Rhyon will have to wait until he's older, though...
That's all for now!
New Blog!
I'm not sure this is the best solution, but I've wanted to separate my personal blogging from my established blog on Livejournal, mostly to give friends and family a way to keep up with us without having to slog through my Harry Potter obsession, and to enable the people that read my LJ to keep up with my Harry Potter fanfiction (not that there's been much of it lately) without having to listen to me coo over Rhyon's or Colin's latest achievements (speaking of which, Rhyon is *thisclose* to taking those first solo steps, and he recently learned how to wave at people, which he thinks is a hoot).
So, here it is in all it's glory, the Hester Family blog. As soon as I get familiar with it, I'll add Jay as a user so he can blog from afar, and I may even let Colin do some blogging of his own. I think Rhyon will have to wait until he's older, though...
That's all for now!